CONNECTED & CONFIDENT with Melissa J Scott

15 Wealth, Mindset & Money Blocks with Michael de Haan

Melissa J Scott Season 1 Episode 15

What's your relationship with money? How do you wake up every morning thinking about it?

We all deserve to be our very best and not be held back by blocks that are firmly in place in our subconscious. Whether it’s our finances, marketing our businesses or showing up authentically in personal branding, it’s amazing our how self-limiting beliefs can really hold us back if we are unaware of them.

My guest is Michael de Haan from Care to Grow. He has worked in the financial advice industry for years and he just couldn’t avoid the fact that this kind of service didn’t work for people without assets or a large income behind. What holds so many people back in all aspects of life including their finances and growing their business through marketing themselves, are their self-limiting beliefs.

“My clients usually come to me when they’re at breaking point. Perhaps they are experiencing severe overwhelm, a relationship breakdown or a significant illness related to financial stress.” - Michael de Haan

Michael’s mission is to empower people to live their best life by enabling conscious decision making rather than reacting. Through understanding your money story, your money type, and helping to transform them beyond awareness to opening their mind so you can learn new skills to create financial security and wellbeing. When you ‘unlearn’ how you do money and all the roadblocks you put in the way of growth, you can really expand into your true version of you.

“If you can get your heart, if you can get your mind and your body aligned to what you're trying to achieve, you will succeed. You'll get to that financial freedom which is exciting, you’ll get that joy and abundance that everyone should have.” - Michael de Haan

What we’ll cover in this week’s podcast:

  • Aligning your mind and body to achieve financial freedom
  • How to set realistic money goals to suit your wants and needs
  • How to re-educate yourself about money
  • Asking yourself ‘Why?’ when it comes to wanting more
  • Finding the blocks that are preventing you from achieving your money goals


The majority of people I see say that they don't have enough money, and the question I throw back to them is ‘enough for what?’

“Your life is a print out of your subconscious mind...from a young age we subconsciously learn a lot of our beliefs from our parents.”

“You need to dig in deep...what's the emotional side around money.”

“When you think of what financial freedom means to you, it needs to come both from your mind and your body.”

“If something’s holding you back….what do we need to work on, what are the blocks?”

If you would like to see more of Michael, you can find him here:

If you want to have more success in your business and sales, you need to become an expert at creating trust and connection online through your personal brand, and creating quality content. Book a free half hour strategy session with Melissa today to find out how you can be the Rockstar in your industry. If you want it, it is possible.

And if you would like to check out Melissa, follow these links: