CONNECTED & CONFIDENT with Melissa J Scott

18 Your "Why" and Solving Your Audience's Pain

Melissa J Scott Season 2 Episode 18

“You could be doing more business with the target audience that you want, not just speaking to a whole lot of people who are actually wrong for you.”
 Melissa J Scott

 Do you understand your WHY, WHO your perfect client is and what PAIN they are in? Customising your marketing message to reach THEM is how you stand out from the clutter that is modern day online marketing.

It really blows me away how many people don’t know their WHY in their business. It is so important that you understand the reason why behind you do what you do so that you can communicate that to your audience and connect with them in a real and authentic way. They will know in a heartbeat whether you are right for them or not right for them. This is how you get more business with the target audience that you want.

 In this podcast episode I discuss how to take a deep dive into your business, really look at your why and understand your business intimately, what’s changed for you and what are you doing that’s different to everyone else. We also discuss how to deep dive into your audience. Look at who you’re communicating with already and who you really want to work with. Who is your ideal target audience? What pain are they in and what keeps them up at night?

 It is very tempting to just leap into the sexiness of marketing – you know, making video revamping the website, create some company brochures… without doing the actual leg work. Lots of people out there are making a lot of noise on social media, but

 “If you don’t know why you’re doing things, your message is going to be completely lost.”
Melissa J Scott

 What I will be covering today:

  • Understand your business intimately. 
  • How is your business performing right now?
  • Set your real, actionable goals for the next year
  • Understand the 3 pivotal tools to create connection; why you’re doing what you do, what makes you unique and what are the pain points of your ideal customer
  • Who is your A type client?
  • Real life examples of clients who are killing it in their marketing right now, and how they are doing it

 “If you can get to the source of what is really unsettling your clients emotionally and if you can be the service provider of that thing that actually answers their need, that is what will cut through. People will stop scrolling, and they will pay attention.”
Melissa J Scott

  If you want to have more success in your business and sales, you need to become an expert at creating trust and connection online through your personal brand, and creating quality content. Book a free half hour strategy session with Melissa today to find out how you can be the Rockstar in your industry. If you want it, it is possible.

 And if you would like to check out Melissa, follow these links: