CONNECTED & CONFIDENT with Melissa J Scott

19 How to Get Past Your Nerves When Making Video

Melissa J Scott Season 2 Episode 19

Melissa J Scott

Are you being held back by self-limiting beliefs? Is the thought of pressing that little red record button on your video camera and going live or posting out your video to the world filling you with nerves and dread?!

In this podcast episode I discuss WHY you should be doing video, and HOW to do it. When I say how, I am not just talking about what equipment you need, because really, we can all get the right gear. What I am really talking about is how you can get past your nerves, and past that limiting self-belief that video is not for you.

I have to tell you, video does not come 100% natural to me, it does not come natural to anybody. It is hard to put yourself out there and leave yourself wide open and exposed to criticism and judgement, but…

 "In this day and age, we need to let go of our concerns about what do people think of me, or will they like me. Because, quite frankly, we are not for everybody and if you are doing your marketing and you are trying to be for everybody, then you just won’t get the right audience for you”. 
Melissa J Scott

 What I will be covering today

·         Why video is so important 

·         How to get past your nerves

·         Self-limiting beliefs, how they hold you back and how you can combat this

·         How to connect to your why, your purpose and what makes you unique

·         Discover your ideal audiences’ needs and how to address it

·         Create a real connection with your audience

·         Develop trust and creditability

·         How to give value and the benefits of doing so

·         Real life examples of clients who have conquered their fear over appearing in video and are now smashing their marketing goals and are seeing real results.

 “We are not here to be loved by everybody, we are just here to connect with the people that ARE our audience and the people that DO really like our unique message.” 
Melissa J Scott

If you want to have more success in your business and sales, you need to become an expert at creating trust and connection online through your personal brand, and creating quality content. Book a free half hour strategy session with Melissa today to find out how you can be the Rockstar in your industry. If you want it, it is possible.

 And if you would like to check out Melissa, follow these links: