CONNECTED & CONFIDENT with Melissa J Scott

25 Change Your Energy Change Your Life with Justine Watt

Melissa J Scott Season 2 Episode 25

In this episode we speak with Justine Watt, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Energy Healer from New Leaf Healing, about energy healing and what it actually is, and more importantly how you can adopt some of these practices in order to get more connected with yourself, the people in your life and with your audience. 

What does an energy healer do?

“An energy healer works with another person’s energy with the intention of helping their energy to be bright, clear and clean.”
Justine Watt

In your business interactions, you may have noticed how some people might have a big, charismatic energy and this most likely means they have a strong belief in themselves which will really allow their energy to expand out into the world. Whereas other people might be more fearful in their interactions, particularly in putting themselves out in front of their business, appearing in videos and social media, even to the point of being hesitant to start their own business. This can sometimes mean they have more of a self-limiting belief system at play, for example, they might think “I’m not good enough” or “who am I to do this” etc, and this can have their energy feeling more contracted.

What is disconnection and how does this affect us?

A lot of people don’t realise how disconnected they really are. Disconnected is when you might be operating in a negative energy and you are constantly replaying those hurtful stories you might have such as “I’m not good enough, who am I to even do this?” etc and are not connected to what is going on at an emotional level.

What can be done?

A good way to start shining a spotlight on this disconnection is to
• Tune in, ask yourself how am I feeling today? What am I needing today?
• Calm down your racing mind and negative thoughts
• Meditation, 2 minutes of being quiet and still and focusing on the breath is a great place to start.
• Realising that this is a lifelong practice. There is no magic wand or cure!
• Finding yourself a good team of people who will support you
• Surrounding yourself with people who help you feel good and don’t feel like they are constantly “draining you”
• Learn how to “invite” into your life what you actually want.
• Consciously making an intention that I am calling in people, things, events etc into my life that I truly want, and then setting a concrete action behind it.

How does energy affect us in the workplace?

Sometimes in business we need to deal with people whose energy is not the greatest, but we need to make it work. The first and most powerful thing you can do is to fully accept and understand:

“We can’t change anything external to us, only thing we have control of our response to the situation.”
Justine Watt

Once we understand this, that in itself can be quite empowering. Make a conscious decision in the morning, that regardless of what is happening around you, you are going to have a good day and be productive. Yes, it is a short term, immediate solution but it can have the effect of helping you navigate your day with the bonus effect that you might end up with the other person beginning to respond in a more positive manner to your energy.

If this message is resonating with you then please listen to the podcast or watch the video and if you would like to get in touch with Justine, you can find her at
She has an online course opening soon called “Eliminating Overthinking” and is all about interrupting that thinking pattern with lots of practical and simple tools that you can do at home.

And if you would like to check out Melissa, follow these links: